Shipping & Delivery

Shipping & Delivery

When will my item arrive?

Please allow 2-4 business days after payment to process your order.

In-transit time is based on the final location.

For US and Canada-bound orders, allow 7 days to 3 weeks for the delivery.

International shipping in transit times vary based on the location and there are no guaranteed times for when a package will arrive, It can take a few days to several weeks depending on the international destination.

Can I track my order?

Once your order has been processed, you will receive a shipment notification email with an estimated delivery date.

Where is my order fulfilled?

Print orders are fulfilled by a U.S. fine art print company.

Where do you ship to?

We ship almost anywhere in the world.

What information do I need to supply?

You need to supply the recipient's email and phone number for all shipments leaving the USA.

Will I pay customs?

For international orders, be prepared to pay duty/fees for imported products based on the final value of your order.

Which shipping company is used?

We use UPS for shipping.

How will my print be packaged?

Prints are packaged flat up to 11x14 in clear bags on board and in sturdy shipping mailers. Larger prints are shipped rolled in tissue and kraft paper and in a sturdy shipping art tube.

Please contact us with any other questions.